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Bij de Opleidingscommissie Antropologie kan je terecht met eventuele klachten, adviezen of andere kritiek, over
vakken, docenten etc. Deze commissie brengt desgevraagd of uit eigen beweging advies uit aan de decaan en de
opleidingsdirecteur. Ze bestaat uit een aantal docent- en studentleden. De docentleden worden door de decaan
benoemd op voordracht van de opleidingsdirecteur, de studentleden worden door de decaan benoemd op
voordracht van de Studentenraad van de faculteit. De OC is elk jaar verantwoordelijk voor panel gesprekken
waarin je jou mening kan geven over de studie, de universiteit, je leraren en nog veel meer.

College Campus


The Faculty Student Council (FSR) represents the interests of the students. The central goal is and remains improving the quality of education. They want to ensure that education at the faculties is is possible and that the preconditions for this are in place. To achieve this they give advice and they have the right of consent on certain parts. They advise on matters such as resit opportunities and options, but also about, for example, computer facilities and catering. Furthermore, they state other every year (in May) the Education and Examination Regulations (OER), in which a large part of your rights registered as a student.


You can contact the Program Committee Anthropology Education Committee with any complaints, advice or criticism about courses, teachers, and more! This committee issues advice to the dean and the program director. The committee consists of a number of lecturer and student members. The lecturer members are appointed by the dean on the recommendation of the program director. The student members are appointed by the dean on the recommendation of the Faculty Student Council.





As a CASA member you can order your study books at a discount through Smartbooks. Order your books for the second semester of the 2022/2023 academic year in December via the link! Check that you are a member of CASA and the rest is self-explanatory. Not a member yet? Sign up!


In the Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology bachelor, you study the relationship between global developments and people's experiences on a local level. Do you want to know more about other cultures elsewhere in the world, or are you just interested in what is happening just around the corner? Anthropology gives you a new perspective on the world around you.

Want to know more about the program?


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